“Our Water” in Malagasy

Since 2008, our partnership with Ranontsika in Madagascar has been crucial in understanding local challenges and adjusting our entrepreneurial approach in a context where over 80% of the population lives below the poverty line. We have pioneered an innovative service specifically tailored for urban areas, providing safe drinking water in recycled 20L jerricans combining quality and affordability. Supported by local authorities, this service has demonstrated its social impact and economic viability in Tamatave, the country’s second largest city.
The ongoing capacity-building of our local team holds promising prospects for growth throughout the country, aiming to address the urgent needs of an expanding urban population vulnerable to water-related diseases and to climate change.
Luke Barrett

Our impact today

Water Kiosks

regional platform

liters of safe drinking water produced every day

beneficiaries including more than 6,000 children

Our ambition
– 1 –
Serve 75,000 beneficiaries in 2025
– 2 –
Reach breakeven at the regional level
– 3 –
Design a sustainable model for the poorest countries

I’ve always wanted to run my own business serving my community. Thanks to 1001fontaines, my dream came true, with the support of my wife Sarah. In addition to bringing safe drinking water to our community and improving their health, we were able to educate our two daughters and build a better future by investing the profits from the water sales.
Romain, Local entrepreneur in the Mahanoro village