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1001fontaines 20 years magazine

October 2024

1001fontaines brings together its partners to celebrate 20 years of action and innovation to promote access to safe drinking water.

10th World Water Forum 2024

May 2024

🌍💧 We are delighted to announce our participation in the World Water Forum in Bali!

All along the week, we will share our vision, solutions and results with key global players, and take part in 3 sessions to promote decentralized and market-based approaches. The 1001fontaines innovative and resilient solutions are a key contribution to solving the drinking water crisis.

Read our press release to find out more about our participation and our mission. 📄👇


April 2024

2023 Annual Activity Report

2023 marked a significant milestone in the history of 1001fontaines, thanks to several key achievements !

We reached more than 1 million beneficiaries across all the countries in which we operate, achieved financial breakeven in Madagascar, and launched the Water Kiosk 2.0 in Cambodia.

To find out more about our expanded impact on providing access to safe drinking water to vulnerable populations, please refer to our 2023 Annual Activity Report.

Read our report.


September 2023

IRC WASH reaffirms the relevance of our model to provide sustainable access to safe drinking water in rural Cambodia

IRC WASH, an international think tank, conducted a study on the Cambodian water access model developed by 1001fontaines and Teuk Saat 1001. Their analysis praises our community-based water-bottle service model and the way it provides large-scale, sustainable drinking water solutions to rural populations.

Read the IRC WASH study.

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August 2023

World Water Week 2023

During World Water Week, held from August 20 to 24, 2023 in Stockholm, 1001fontaines highlighted its position as an innovative player in the drinking water sector by speaking during two sessions and showcasing its model at the booth shared with Danone Communities and Aqua for All. Our main conclusions from the Week were that water quality is becoming increasingly important, and that social innovations are providing new models for accelerating efforts to achieve universal access to safe drinking water. In the years to come, 1001fontaines will continue to work alongside financial institutions and governments committed to these issues.


August 2023

Bangladesh: Our study unveils a strong drinking water crisis

In 2023, 1001fontaines carried out a feasibility study in Bangladesh which highlighted the urgent need for sustainable safe drinking water solutions. Due to the country’s high population density and limited resources, only 16.7% of the population has access to safe drinking water, generating significant risks for public health.

Find out more about our study.

RA 2022

April 2023

2022 Annual Report

We would like to share with you how, for nearly 20 years, we have continued to reinvent ourselves to provide a sustainable, effective, and affordable water solution for vulnerable populations.

Read our report.

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March 2023

Breaking News: 1 million consumers

On the occasion of World Water Day, we are very proud to announce that 1001fontaines has reached the symbolic impact of 1 million consumers.

Thank you to all our partners and donors without whom none of this would have been possible.

Cheers 1001fontaines!


March 2023

United Nations Water Conference 2023

1001fontaines was presented in New York for the first UN Water Conference in almost 50 years.

Julien Ancele presented our model on this occasion. Only field solutions such as ours will allow access to safe drinking water for all by 2030.

Watch the replay of the conference.

Find our intervention on RFI.

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February 2023

Water in School Report

Thanks to our Water Angels, the Water in School program has brought clean water to 316,000 school children in nearly 1,000 schools in 2022.

Learn about your impact and the 2023 outlook for providing clean water to more school children.

Read our report.

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October 2022

A look back at 6 months of action

After two years marked by the Covid-19 pandemic, in 2022, 1001fontaines is focusing on the core and heart of our mission: the indivuduals. Our consumer base has kept growing across our 4 geographies, and WE happy to share that we are on track to achieve our strategic objective of serving 2 million consumers by 2025.


September 2022

1001fontaines is turning 18!

From launching our first water kiosk in Cambodia to impacting nearly one million people every day across 4 countries, we’ve come a long way together!  

See more

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August 2022

World Water Week

This year, we will share our learnings and challenges with other social enterprises specialized in the provision of clean water. Together, let’s find ways to scale up decentralized solutions for the most vulnerable!

Find out more about this


April 2022

2021 Annual Report

2021 was a fruitful year for our 4 country programs with significant progresses towards managerial and financial sustainability, and a satisfying increase in scale and impact. 

See more


March 2022

Complementarity of water supply solutions

1001fontaines is joining forces with the Cambodian piped water sector to build the case for complementarity of water supply solutions and make universal access to safe water a reality!

Read our position paper

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September 2021

Mid-term report

Discover all your impact in our 2021 first semester report. More than 872 000 beneficiaries, 1001 sustainable jobs, 94 million litres of water delivered, and much more !

Read our report


August 2021

WWWeek 2021

We were proud to share actionnable plans with transformative partners to address the water crisis.

Play our sessions

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July 2021

1001 jobs

We are happy to announce you that we have exceeded 1001 local jobs created! 

For entrepreneurs, operators and local support teams, a job is first and foremost the first step out of poverty, but also training and constant support.

See more


July  2021

Luke Barret interview on Water Quality

Learn how 1001fontaines is tackling the challenge of ensuring water quality till the point of use from a field expert. 

See more


April  2021

2020 Annual Report

For us, the last year was exceptional in many ways.
In parallel with our ability to respond to the health crisis, 2020 marked a strategic milestone in our history, with our financial sustainability target reached in Cambodia.

See more

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April  2021

The virtuous circle of water : leveraging water kiosks to empower communities

Rural areas, where the 1001fontaines’ solution has been implemented in the past 15 years, now experience virtuous economic development, improved public health and long-term environmental sustainability.

See more

April  2021

Factsheet: the 1001fontaines case study in Cambodia

This document highlights the key learnings of 1001fontaines in Cambodia in scaling and sustaining decentralized water services at country level.

See more

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March  2021

Water In School

In Covid-19 context we found other ways to provide safe water to 290 000 children despite of school closure. 
Read our Water In School report


March  2021

Adapting to climate change : providing resilient water services

Changes in climate patterns, are already impacting water availability and quality. Maintaining supply to the currently served populations, while trying to reach the 2.2 billion people who still lack access to safely managed drinking water is likely to become an even greater challenge in the coming years.
See more

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February  2021

Providing safely managed drinking water services through decentralized models

In the current global pandemic, the provision of safely managed WASH services is more essential than ever to ensure the health of vulnerable populations. 
See more

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January 2021

Happy new year

In 2020, we have realized our founders’ dream to reach break-even in Cambodia. In 2021, what will we achieve together?
We wish you all a happy new year!
See the video

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December 2020

1001fontaines Break-even event

Thanks for joining our very first webinar to celebrate with us the break-even in Cambodia!
Watch the event


October 2020

Fund a Water Kiosk to accelerate access to safe drinking water

Already 255 Water Kiosks in 4 countries, let’s continue together! 
See the campaign


September 2020

Many thanks to Culligan France for its commitment

Culligan France, a specialist in water treatment, joined our 42 partners in the Water In School program y committing to donate € 2 to 1001fontaines for each softener, purifier or water fountain installed. Because 2 € is 1 year of drinking water for a child in Cambodia!
Watch the video


August 2020

Covid-19 : 1001fontaines on the frontline

More than ever, we are mobilized for the health of the most isolated and vulnerable populations. 1001fontaines maintains safe water deliveries-a crucial need to fight diseases- in our four countries of operation. 1001fontaines is also strengthening its awareness campaigns for the rural populations, to curb the spread of Covid-19 by ensuring everyone understands and applies all the prevention measures.
See more


June 2020

Our 2019 annual report is online

Measure the impact of your generosity and find out in detail all the actions that 1001fontaines carried out thanks to its donors and partners.
Read the 2019 report


May 2020

Cambodia: interview with Frédéric Dubois

15 years after the launch of 1001fontaines program in Cambodia, our country manager, Frédéric Dubois reviews the development of our water kiosks model and its replication in other countries. Discover his interview for the blog Ideas for iD4D development.
See the interview


March 2020

Profile: Amandine Chaussinand, Country Manager in Myanmar

After 4 years as operations manager of the 1001fontaines program in Cambodia, Amandine launched our pilot project in Myanmar in 2019. She tells us about her experience and her commitment.
Watch the video


October 2019

1001fontaines among the 1000 solutions that are changing the world

n October 2019, 1001fontaines was awarded the “Efficient Solution” label from the Solar Impulse Foundation, and entered the very closed circle of the 1000 solutions that are changing the world.
See more


October 2019

Madagascar: return from a mission

Belinda Morvan, Board member of 1001fontaines, went to Madagascar in August 2019 to follow the progress of our project. Launching of a water production plant in Tamatave, women entrepreneurs, water in schools … Discover her mission report!
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